Hamstrings and Heart Strings

Recently I worked with a teenager who complained of  tight hamstrings. After lockdown, when he resumed sports, this problem became apparent. His mom brought him to me for that. She mentioned that short hamstrings had been suspected as early as third grade, but it seemed inconsequential, so they had never done anything about it.

We soon discovered a few other things. Since isolation, her son had suffered from video game addiction, depression, insomnia and even suicidal thoughts. The mom was beside herself with worry. Not surprisingly, he was also failing in school. And despite the obvious ills of solitary confinement, she could not think of anything bad at all that had happened in her son's life. She swore he'd been raised in a gentle, loving home. There was just no chance of unknown abuse.  He'd been seeing a therapist, a very good one, and that helped. But it wasn't making as big of a dent as she would have liked, and there were no sweeping changes.

We looked deeply into the issue, and in this case, came up with a single remedy. This remedy would not normally be "the top choice" for tight hamstrings. But its remedy picture does include short hamstrings as a side note. In addition, it features depression, suicidal thoughts, insomnia and not liking to talk in the morning. Interestingly, this remedy's keynote is Grief.

"Grief?" asked the mom with incredulity. "He doesn't have anything to be sad about! He's had an almost idyllic life. There can't be any grief."

Teach me to be so open about what a remedy does. I could have kept my trap shut and just given it to her for tight hamstrings. But in the end it worked. I convinced her that it isn't what WE think the person should feel, it's about how THAT PERSON TAKES THINGS. She began to reflect that he had a few friends with heavy issues, and at times he did seem to "take on their stuff."

"Oh, maybe he has picked up some grief," she pondered, somewhat bewildered.

She gave him the remedy, not mentioning the grief, only that it was for tight hamstrings. Smart mom.

After only two doses, she says he was a different young man. First of all, his arms went a whopping four inches further down his legs when he did a forward bend. I had asked her to measure this before and after, and a good thing. The difference was startling, but it would have been easy to overlook had we not bothered to measure it. Next, she says he began to chat with her again, like he did when he was happy go lucky and still in third grade.

"What a difference! I can hardly believe it! It seems impossible that those little pellets could do so much. I kept racking my brain trying to figure out what else we'd changed, but there was nothing. It has to be the pellets. That's it, we're hooked."

Now, several months later, he still taking the remedy as directed, twice daily. He is getting almost all As. He has started to take initiative in his life. He got a job. He got a girlfriend, which was a relief to mom, since it gets him out of the house. And most heartening of all, he now spends several hours of free time at a stretch NOT playing video games.

Homeopathy was a game-changer for this family.  (Sorry to use a cliche term! Maybe you can think of a better term, I love word games.)

AND...if you have any inkling of who these folks might be, KEEP IT TO YOURSELF! I do NOT have permission from the family to share their names. So please, please, please, if you have any guesses, don't post anything in the comments, just ZIP YOUR LIPS. Thank you!

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Love, Hugs, Healing, Blessings and more Love!

Lisa Longnecker, P Hom


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