The Prostate Crabwalk - My experiences healing the scary Prostate C-word
It's so beautiful to rest in the knowledge that we have the power to heal. Many scary words--let me rephrase that--many words which previously sounded scary to me--now inspire a quiet smirk when I hear them. Hopefully you’ll have as much fun reading this next bit as I had writing it.
Some of the big scary words:
Starts with C and ends in r, has 6 letters. We'll call this one Crabwalk.
A “lumpy” word that starts with T and ends with r, has 5 letters, unless you're British, in which case there's an extra vowel. We'll call this one Tut-tut. (If you’re British, does that make it Tuut-tuut?)
Starts with a B, ends with a y, has 6 letters. Rhymes with “oopsie,” sort of. Considered to be the “definitive” test to determine the presence of crabwalks. We'll call this one Bloopsie.
Starts with M, ends with s (or e), and has 12-ish letters. This word can be extra-scary if you are already doing the crabwalk, or if the fear programming has proceeded to spread to your nearby lymph nodes. We'll call this one Mischief.
Starts with an M, ends with a D and has two letters. We'll call this a Meddler. Also starts with a D, ends with an r and contains 6 letters.
Starts with a D, ends with an e, has three letters. It's what they tell you you'll do if you don't listen to them. In honor of Homer Simpson, we'll call this one Doh!
The truth is, none of these words scare me anymore. What an incredible relief. There is an exquisite joy in recognizing a word that once held a scary connotation, and not bat an eyelash anymore. In fact, now I think of the C word as a welcome personal challenge. If someone is willing to become my client and trust in the ability of their own body to heal, I am GAME ON to help them make that journey.
I'll share a story about my husband. It is personal, but I have his permission to share it with you. Besides, it's a spectacular story. It's one of those woo-hoo! (or woo-woo?) stories. It'll make you whoop or scoff, depending on your own inclinations. All reactions are fine with me. Feel free to be yourself as you read this. I’m not going to tell you what to do.
Almost as soon as we moved to Marin 10 years ago, my husband, who makes regular visits to the Meddler, got a prostate Crabwalk diagnosis. At first, it was suspected after routine PSA tests, which came out higher than the Meddlers were comfortable with. Against my wishes, they convinced him to get a Bloopsie. The Bloopsie of course took tissue from the purported Tut-tut, and thus confirmed its existence. They told him he had…GASP! the Crabwalk. I had warned him that if he got the Bloopsie, they'd try to push him onto a conveyor belt into a series of progressively more extreme poison regimes, programming and procedures, so to BE STRONG and NOT get on the conveyor belt. I gave him a few phrases to use if they started chanting all kinds of creepy Crabwalk songs--which we know they do.
"No thank you."
"I'm going to think about it."
They'll tell you it's an emergency and if you don't do it you'll Doh!
"No thank you."
"I don't consent to that procedure."
"I'll do more research, thank you."
I warned him they would use more and more aggressive language to attempt to topple him onto the conveyor. They did their song and dance, and he wisely refused it all.
After all, the best that the Meddlers know to offer for the Prostate Crabwalk is...a 50% chance of incontinence and a 50% chance of impotence. Hello!!!? And it MIGHT NOT EVEN CURE THE BLASTED THING!!!
How much sense does that make? In my book, the 50% + 50% = 100% insanity and a 0% likelihood I’ll EVER let my husband do that treatment.
And so, 7-ish years went by, with zero minus zero Meddlesome treatments for the Crabwalk. In the meantime, he did intermittent Gerson therapy (we even got a huge, industrial-strength Norwalk juicer), he went on a Budwig diet occasionally when I’d whip up his concoction of flax and cottage cheese. He went to India for Ayurveda treatments, and so forth. He kept up intermittent juicing for a few years. We know two other folks who cured their Crabwalks with Gerson therapy. But it's a full time job making fresh juice 8 times a day. It's not for the faint of heart. For a while we even had a local gal come in to make juice and clean up the kitchen 3x per week. Yes, it's that intensive. If you're retired or have live-in help, it might be possible to do the whole regime. But, as with many labor-intensive, super-long-range things, slowly it waned.
Sometime around year 8, his PSA number began to spike again. It had stayed level or risen very gradually, so the Meddlers had not been clamping his arms to his sides and trying to lift him bodily onto the conveyor. But in 2021, they changed their tune. Now, suddenly, after all this time, it was an "aggressive" form of the Crabwalk. Previously, they'd said it wasn't aggressive. What changed? Did the “form” of it morph somehow? Or was it their own desire to get some profit out of the situation that became more aggressive? In any case, the Crabwalk had been lingering and festering for some years, so we decided to get serious about it. We'd been really lax on the regimes for the last several years anyway. And in the meantime, I’d studied (boom!) Homeopathy.
First (after we got serious), David went to a kind of therapy I can't mention here. We will officially call it “Mystery Therapy.” The folks that do it don't want anyone to know about it in order to avoid pestering from Meddlers. Or meddling from pesterers. Or both. I can't even refer you to them, because I haven't been to them myself. However, David can. If you choose to work with me I will gladly share this with you. When he went, they told him it would likely take 2-3 years on their therapy for the issue to resolve, and they weren't sure it would even resolve fully at all. At the time, according to the practitioner, things looked to be pretty severe. And initially, my husband didn't want to mix therapies--he wanted to do one at a time to measure the success of each.
However, a month later, he changed his mind. He came into my office and said, more or less, "bring on the Homeopathy." And so I did.
I put him onto a Homeopathic regime that suited him. Within a month or two, symptoms began to resolve. He wasn't getting up in the night to pee anymore. Pressure waned. He went back for another round of Mystery Therapy. Their read was that the crabwalk had gone, so they stopped treating him for it and recommended some general supplements for a few minor issues. He had his PSA tested. It actually continued to climb for a while. But I'd been warned, it can take the PSA 1.5 to 2 years to reflect a change after a full cure with Homeopathy. So we were prepared to be patient.
To my immense relief, he refused further Bloopsies. However he agreed to get an MRI. The technician that took the scan said "Great news! We got a really good scan. The picture is super clear." The Meddler who then interpreted the results said "The scan wasn't clear, we can't see any sign of a Tut-tut." If you have had similar experiences, surely you’ll find this supremely humorous. It’s par for the course when the Meddlers can’t explain a benefit they were not the cause of themselves.
Fast forward another year. Symptoms have not returned. He continues on the Homeopathic regime. It is considered wise in Homeopathic thinking, to continue the regime for 1 to 1.5 years after cure. Anyway this makes logical and intuitive sense. The PSA has slowly been dropping, and he went in for a CT scan. In the absence of a Bloopsie, this would be the definitive test of success in the endeavor. The CT scan came out 100% negative (which is positive.) It means he is totally clear. There were no hints, whispers, traces or shadows of Crabwalks, anywhere in the system--not in the prostate, and no as-yet undiscovered Mischief had spread into the lymph glands. Woohoo!
Chart of events below.
Along the way, we had sad news about a dear friend. He was diagnosed with the exact same kind of Crabwalk that David had, at around the same time as David’s was pronounced to be “aggressive.” This friend did multiple other kinds of alternative treatments, but not the mystery therapy and not the type of Homeopathy I practice. He did get on the conveyor belt, and listened to the Meddlers. Sadly, he passed in December of last year. We have shed many tears, and he holds a special place in our hearts.
Still, this experience magnified my gratitude for the healing ability of my own very dear, living and thriving husband. As an expression of gratitude, I have vowed to help as many as I can to keep off the conveyor and restore trust in the healing ability of their own bodies. Homeopathy gives the body gentle stimuli so it remembers to heal itself. This is how it works without side effects. Once it remembers how, your body does the healing all by itself.
Early this year, I began to work with another client doing the prostate Crabwalk. For him (and his wife I might add), the 50% chance of impotence + 50% chance of incontinence = 100% non-starter. After a mere two months on a Homeopathic regime suited specifically to him, his PSA numbers had already flatlined. This was startlingly fast. I would not have expected these numbers to reflect a change at all, for several months or possibly a year. Previously, his PSA numbers had been on a steady incline. And, so far, he is only doing Homeopathy, no other alternative or mystery treatments. Things are looking good so far, and I am honored to continue guiding him on his journey back to thriving health.
If you find yourself flipped over doing the crabwalk, if your well-meaning Meddlers are being stern with you on any point related to crabwalks or any other ailments, if you believe in a gentler, more effective and better way to heal, believe in your own body’s ability to heal, or would like to have your faith restored in that ability, get in touch with your favorite Homeopath. Or become our client.
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Blessings for your thriving health!
Much love,