The “teeth” of the matter
There's a reason I chose the tagline "the Medicine with Side Benefits" for my Homeopathy practice. First of all, it's witty and funny (if I say so myself!) and's true. Let me give you an example. This week, instead of telling you a healing story about a client, I'm going to tell you an "accidental" healing story about yours truly.
But first, I have to tell you a secret: bad teeth run in my family. That's right! Bad teeth. But it's true, and what a legacy. I'll share this from the matrilineal side since that's what I know. My great grandmother had none of her own teeth by the time she passed. My grandmother had a full set of dentures that held onto only a few real teeth. My mother has "all her teeth" so to speak, but several root canals. And now we come to me.
For my whole life, since I can remember, EVERY SINGLE TIME I went to the dentist, I had a new cavity, or several new ones. Now, at a half century, I have about 5 times more fillings than teeth. Yes, each tooth has several fillings in it. They run along the sides, in the chewing surfaces, on the fronts and backs. You can't tell by looking, because for the last 20 years, I have gone only to the most excellent biological dentists, who have made it their job to make my fillings look like part of my teeth.
Now, before you go and blame my mom for feeding me sugar growing up...the fact is, she didn't. We weren't allowed to drink sugary sodas or eat junk food. I grew up on organic, garden-grown homemade food, raw milk, real butter and all sorts of good things the Weston A Price folks wax poetic about. So what was the problem? I'm telling's bad tooth genes. As far as is visible, there's just no other culprit. In Homeopathy, the "genetics" part can translate into a discussion about miasms...but we will save that for another day. Here's the short version: A miasm is basically a "tendency," often genetic. It can manifest in physical, mental or emotional ways. Regardless of its source, it's one of those annoying traits that tends to stick around.
And so, I inherited a "bad teeth" miasm or genes, whatever you want to call it. It's fine, I'll take it. I got a lot of glorious gifts from my antecedents also.
At this point in time, I have all my teeth. I have zero root canals and just one crown. Two teeth were touch and go a few years ago, but my biological dentist nixed the idea of root canals or extract & implant. He did a crown on one and just a large filling on the other. He's good. In fact, he's so good that my orthodontist's staff (tooth experts themselves) failed to recognize the crown and couldn't figure out why an attachment wasn't sticking onto it. When I remembered to tell them it was a crown they gaped at me wide-eyed.
When the orthodontist offered me the chance to whiten my teeth (since I would have aligners on them, which makes them easy to whiten) I declined, because I knew that if the teeth whitened, the myriad fillings would retain their original color and my smile would appear as a bespotted patchwork. So I left them their dingy ecru color. I'm fine with that too. At least they're mostly even.
For the 5 years that I had Invisalign you would think I'd stop getting cavities--because I took to brushing and flossing 5-6 times a day! I can't stand a dirty mouth and basically I brushed and flossed (properly, thoroughly on all sides of the teeth) after every single snack and meal. With my tendency to cavities, there was no way I was putting the aligners back on right over a snack with a mere rinse. And yet, I still kept on getting cavities at exactly the same rate as before. If nothing else is proof that it was hereditary, it had to be this. If brushing and flossing 6 times a day won't do the trick, I don't know what will.
The time that I finally stopped getting cavities was...(you could see this punchline coming a mile away...) Yep! When I started using Homeopathy.
In early 2021, I discovered Homeopathy. By fall 2022, I had earned my P. Hom. Now, summer 2023, I have not had ONE SINGLE NEW CAVITY since I took my very first remedy. My gums are healthier and they've stopped receding. And I've never even taken remedies with my teeth in mind!
You see, the crux, or, ahem, "teeth" of the matter, is that each and every Homeopathic remedy has deep and far-reaching effects. When a remedy is well-chosen, it addresses a myriad of issues small and large that span the breadth and depth of a person's being. Seemingly random and unrelated things are addressed gently and uprooted, sometimes completely unnoticeably. Homeopathy uproots little niggly problems, tendencies or miasms (yes, miasms!) that had long persisted in a sub-par state.
When I pause to consider, a whole long list of things has improved since I started using Homeopathy. Keep in mind, I would never have called these things "problems." It's just fascinating to notice how many "side benefits" I've gotten.
As mentioned, I have gotten ZERO. new. cavities. since starting Homeopathy.
Small brown "liver" spots on my hands are fading. They had previously been increasing in number and size over time.
My heels don't get rough. I no longer need to go get a pedicure except for the pleasure of it.
My teeth hold their shape better even with my aligners off. You still have to wear them at night after Invisalign, and I would still wear them for meditation but now I don't have to--I can still bite down on my molars by the end of the day.
I grind my teeth less
I don't need as much sleep
I have more energy
I don't lose my voice if I get a cold
I don't need my asthma inhaler anymore.
My resting heart rate has dropped 30%. For years it was very high and that made it difficult to exercise.
My blood pressure has leveled out and even dropped a little.
During this same time, I have changed zero habits. Besides, it would be cheating to tell you all this was due to Homeopathy if I'd gone on some crazy 3 year special diet and exercise regime! Not that I would last if I even tried it.
One issue that I actively worked to resolve was a stinging in my left foot, a la Morton's neuroma. It took some time but it's fixed now and I'm not even sure which remedy or remedies finally did it. It just may have taken the body that long to realign itself after getting the Homeopathic attention it needed. Or maybe it needed all the remedies I have taken, in the right order, for the right amount of time, to uproot it. As a result, I don't need to avoid sugar anymore! This is miraculous in itself--I no longer have to bring my own food or order a dry salad when eating out.
This brings me to my last point. One of the many beauties of Homeopathy is that it doesn't need to be hard. In fact, it can make your life much sweeter, smoother and more enjoyable. Small and large health improvements can and do happen--without changing any habits at all. Yes of course it's a good idea to exercise every day, avoid sugar, reduce caffeine, eat more vegetables, etc. But we all know changing habits is not easy. With Homeopathy you can experience subtle and big changes without effort. Then, when and if you choose to make a positive lifestyle change, it comes from joy and the love of doing it, not because you were told to do so. In fact, once you feel a little better, it’s automatically more inviting to make a change.
Anyone else a rebel like me? Does this resonate for you?
If so, join me as a client and start making your own list of little niggly problems that effortlessly disappeared. Or just join our email list to enjoy reading more uplifting healing stories.
Cheers, blessings and love!